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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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Cornwall, TR27 4AH

“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Class 4 have an Art Attack!

Class 4 love art! They have been having great fun investigating materials in their art lessons and have been making metal sculptures using everyday objects including cheese graters, cutlery, tin cans, mixing bowls and anything else they can get their hands on! Check out their fantastic owl creations!

 I love the metal feather bits on your owl Lily. Can I help? – Alfie

Evie and Sienna are really happy with the way their owls are turning out. They are using jam jar lids for the eyes and sticking on squashed foil cases and beads. They’re looking great.

I like my owl. I want to take it home and show my mum. – Tyler

Ada and Flora help each other choose the best buttons and beads to stick on to the wings.

I love my owl. I brought in my sieve and my whisk from home and Mrs Anthoney helped me stick all the bits together. – Zak

I am really happy and so proud of the children. They put in a lot of hard work and were very creative. I think their owls look fantastic! – Miss Ryan

Owl Facts

  1. Owls live in barns, trees, old buildings and tunnels.
  2. Owls eat mice, rats, birds, raccoons, skunks, snakes, squirrels and other small mammals.
  3. Owls can’t digest bones, fur or feathers so they spit it out.
  4. Owls have sharp beaks that they use to shred their food.
  5. Owls grab their ‘prey’ with their sharp claws.
  6. Owls don’t make any sound when they fly.
  7. Owls camouflage themselves in the trees.

Healthy Eating with Katie

Isaac’s mum Kate, came in to talk to the children about healthy eating.

Class 1 learnt all about what a healthy plate looks like. We talked about all the different types of delicious fruits and vegetables we could eat daily and that we need to eat at least 5 different fruits and vegetable of different colours. Next we learnt all about what types of foods carbohydrates are and how they give us energy for the day. After that, we learnt which foods are proteins which give us strong muscles.

We need to eat healthy food and five a day, 5 fruits. I like eating cabbage and sprouts and I like eating lettuce and tomatoes. They are healthy for you – Layla.

Next we learnt about dairy foods and how they are good for strong healthy teeth and bones. Then we learnt about how we should only eat a little fats and oils and leant that sugar is only an occasional treat, not an everyday food.

You have to eat five vegetables. I like cabbage and tomato sweetcorn and broccoli and baked beans – Atene

The children really enjoyed putting the different foods onto the correct section of the healthy food plate and we even had time to show how much energy we would have if we ate healthy and non healthy foods.


We have to eat pears and apples and carrots. We have to eat 5 fruit and vegetables everyday. I normally do that with fruits. We need to eat eggs and cheese – Evan



Year Four History Homework Challenge!

In Year Four, the children have been learning about the Romans and their time in Britain. Whilst learning, about the Roman Army, the children were really interested in this aspect and as a result, last week, the children were set an optional homework challenge. The children were tasked with making a historically accurate Roman shield. The teachers in year Four were overwhelmed and delighted with the response. Due to the outstanding quality of the work produced, all children who participated were given a golden ticket.

They look amazing in the classroom and some have even been used in Roman Army marching drills. The teachers would like to thank everyone who helped the children create these fabulous shields and we look forward to the products of the next challenge.


I really enjoyed making the shields – Tom – Class 4


Gramm…..azing work in Year 3 and 4!

After the teachers in Lower Key Stage Two participated in an inspiring training session, Year Three and Four have been focussing on grammar this week. Each class have been doing fun grammar games and activities.

In class eight, the children have been recapping word classes. The children needed to know what verbs, adverbs, adjectives, nouns and proper nouns are. Each group of children wrote down a word of a certain type and made human sentences, discussing and discovering what happens when words are moved about. We also learnt that if you start a sentence with an adverb, we call it a fronted adverbial.

In Year Four, we have been playing games and completing activities about conjunctions.  We have been finding out the differences between subordinating and co ordinating conjunctions and have applying this in our writing, placing conjunctions at different points in the sentences.


Reading Super Stars

A huge congratulations to Bruce, Zak and Ted from Class 4. They decided to take on the reading challenge in class 4 – to read as often as you can at home and climb the reading ladder. The boys successfully reached the top of the ladder by half term and all received a book of their choice. A fantastic effort boys, well done!

Miss Ryan set us a challenge. You had to read at home every night and if you did, you would climb up the reading ladder. I was the first one to get to the top and I got a prize. I was really happy. I read 39 times at home and I was star of the week.




Industrial Inspiration for Year 5

Our Year 5 classes have been studying the Industrial Revolution over the last half term. They have looked in depth at inventor and inventions as well as it’s effect on the modern world.

I’ve really enjoyed researching inventors because it shows how important the Cornish are!

The children have been undertaking their own research on the 6 main factors: population, agriculture, factories, power, transport and empire as well as researching an inventor of their choice including Humphry Davy, George Stephenson and Richard Trevithick. Once cumulated the children used these notes and facts to plan and create a biography so they can share their research with each other and parents at home.

I found it amazing that George Stephenson made the first train, especially after teaching himself to read and write!

The Industrial Revolution has also provided inspiration for some wonderful art. The children studied the painting ‘Coalbrookdale By Night’ which was painted by Philip James de Loutherbourg in 1801, in the heart of the revolution, before creating their own.

Using paints and water the children created a wash to represent the fiery sky before designing and cutting out an industrial themed silhouette to lay on top.

Between the 49 children in year 5 they have produced some breath taking pieced of art work that can be seen on display outside of classes 11 and 12 but also in their topic books.

Star Award For Star Surf-lifesaver

Many of our children are members of the hugely successful and popular Surf lifesaving club in Hayle, which is fantastic. However, Zara (Class 11) was awarded this shield for being the ‘Most Enthusiastic Girl.’

It is always a pleasure to see our children awarded for their sporting achievement, however is much more pleasing to see them winning them for the attributes they possess. Skills such as determination, persistence, perseverance, communication , teamwork and in Zara’s case, enthusiasm, and trust me she has bags of it!

What a great achievement, well done!


Click here for more information about Hayle Surf Life Saving Club.

À bientôt chère Michèle!

We were all very sad to say farewell to Michèle our amazing French teacher after 16 years of fun French lessons in all classes throughout the school. Michèle managed to encourage children to speak French with confidence by participating in relaxed games, songs, plays and even a fashion show.

I liked the funny french monster book – Lylie.

At this years Harvest Festival Michèle took centre stage while everyone sang “Fraise et Fromboise” her own song about our love of fruit. The children looked forward to her lessons and she will be sorely missed.

Thank you for teaching us about colours and numbers – Imogen.


We loved the french songs – Louis.

The health and wellbeing of all our pupils is a priority at Penpol school. All infants are provided with a free healthy snack each day and given plenty of opportunities to exercise and keep fit. We start the day with “Wake up shake up” and regularly jump, climb and roll.

I can hang on to the ladder. I am brave and strong – Ethan.


I can climb up the rope – Teddy.

Baking with Michelle

Alfie’s mum, Michelle made some delicious shortbread biscuits with Class 1. She started by talking about the ingredients with the children then got them to weigh the flour, sugar, cornflour and butter into a large bowl.

We mixed together flour and butter and sugar to make the biscuits. – Alfie

After briefly mixing the ingredients together, Michelle encouraged the children to take some of the mixture from the bowl, squeeze it together, pat it down and use one of the shape cutters to make a biscuit.

The children shaped, squashed and squeezed the dough mixture into all sorts of creative shapes.

After baking the biscuits in the oven, then letting them cool, the children loved sampling the fruits of their labour.

They are really yummy! – Will


Learning About Autumn

Children in classes 1 and 2 have been busy learning about Autumn and Harvest this week.  We have learnt all about the changes that take place during Autumn such as the leaves changing colour and falling from the trees.  In class 2, we looked at different photos of Autumn scenes and the children have been painting the leaves onto trees using their fingers.

I used red, yellow and brown on my fingers for the leaves – Erin

I liked using my fingers to paint. My favourite colour was red – Ayveeahnah

In class 1, the children foraged for leaves in the wildlife garden and discussed the different trees the leaves came from. We studied the shape of them and the different colours. We then brought them back to class and painted them to make leaf prints.

 I liked learning about Autumn. My favourite picture was of the leaves in the wood – Kieran

In Autumn, the leaves fall down. They go gold, yellow and red. – Bella