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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Class 6 are Dancing for Fitness

Dancing through the Decades

As part of their P.E lessons, the Children  from Class 6 have been enjoying dancing through the decades to keep fit.

The children have been using their muscles to twist, grapevine and shake through the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s.

I could really feel my heart beating when I’d finished – Liliana

The children have also been linking their P.E lessons to their ‘Science’ topic ‘Animals including Humans’  where they are now able to  identify how their hearts and bodies feels after physical exercise.

I loved it, especially dancing like a robot – Thomas


The dance moves were epic – Obi



Class 4 light up Christmas with French and German songs

This half-term, Class 4 have been learning about how Christmas is celebrated around the world. For their concert in St Elwyn’s church, Class 4 learnt a French song with Mr Emery about the animals in the stable. The students were able to name each of the animals from the song in French, as well as ask the question, “do you have any pets” in French.

Students from class 4 have been really excited about performing French and German songs with their family watching.


I have been practising ‘Tu as un animal’ lots, I really like that song! Oliver, Class 4

Miss Ryan and Mrs Anthoney have also enjoyed teaching the children about animals in French, having produced a 3D animal display board in French in the classroom and testing their knowledge in the lead-up to Class 4’s Christmas concert.

In addition, Mr Jones has been teaching class 4 the heartwarming German song, O Tannebaum (Oh Christmas Tree). Class 4 lit up St Elwyn’s church with their own performance of the song in front of parents and families.

To finish off an exciting term for languages, Class 4 also sang both songs in front of the Christmas tree in the school hall, with class 5 watching as special guests.

Class 4 sang really well! Chloe, Class 5

High praise indeed from the older students! Next up, Mr Emery looks forward to teaching many more French classics to the children in the New Year.


Space Day For Our Budding Year 5 Scientists

This week the children (and teachers)  in Year 5 have celebrated their learning within science this term by taking part in a Science themed Space day. The day was split into three activities including rocket building, space themed art and movie making.

Working in pairs, the children created an iMovie film sharing what they had learnt over the term. This involved collating facts, pictures and pieces of work before organising them into a short two minute film. The movies included their own music, headings and direction.


I loved using the iPads to make movies, I’m definitely downloading the app on my iPad at home! – Emi – Class 12

Whilst some of the children were busy planing and directing their own short movie, the rest were designing and building working rockets, which are set to be launched next week. Using lots of recycled bottles, tubes and pieces of cardboard, the children ‘junk modelled’ rockets which will be powered by water and air pressure.

I tried to make my rocket as streamlined as possible so it had the least amount of air resistance possible, and it worked! – Sam – Class 11

What was particularly pleasing was the effort children put into making their rockets aerodynamic to limit the amount of air resistance, something they had learnt about in their previous science topic on forces.

Due to poor weather, the launching of the children rockets has been postponed until next week where hopefully the conditions will be more favourable.

The third task for our Space Day required the children to ‘Space themselves up’ by adding their photos to a space scene; either in the form of an astronaut on a space walk, or steering a rocket to space. Some examples can be seen in the below.

We rounded off the day with a ‘space walk’ of their very own, down the catwalk as we held Penpol’s first space themed fashion show for the children (and adults) to show off their costumes.





Advent Boxes for Hayle Food Bank

Over the last month each class has been preparing an advent box for Christmas. However, these advent boxes are difference compared to those most children have at home because instead of taking a chocolate or treat out like traditional advent calendar, the children have been bringing food into class to add into their class advent boxes.

Across our fourteen classes, children have been generously bringing in lots of different foods to donate to those in need of a helping hand at this busy time of the year.

The boxes have since been collected by the Hayle Food Bank and are ready for redistribution to those who are supported by the great work done by one of our most local charities.

On behalf of the Hayle Food Bank and those who will receive these wonderful donations, we would like to thank parents and families for their very generous and kind support.

Poppy’s Christmas card sent to No.10

In November, Poppy H in Year 5, entered the George Eustice MP Christmas Card competition. Many children from schools take part and the winning design becomes George Eustice MP’s Christmas card that he sends to his colleagues, including the Prime Minister Theresa May.

Poppy’s design, although not the winner, was runner up and her Christmas card features on the back of the card sent out. Mr Penhaligon, on behalf of George Eustice MP, came to school to congratulate Poppy and give her a copy of the card, a personal letter and a special present.

Congratulations Poppy! Your design will be sat over the roaring fire on the mantelpiece at No.10 Downing Street.

Merry Christmas!

Year 6 create super sock snowmen

Creativity has once again hit the Year 6 classrooms with wonderful sock snowmen being created. A huge range were created, from the conventional snowman to a polar bear and even Santa himself!

The children planned how they wanted their particular snowman to look before using rice, elastic bands and other socks to decorate them.


It’s been amazing because we could make any type of snowman we wanted – Jordan

Read moreYear 6 create super sock snowmen

Hour Of Code 2017: A Hero’s Journey

Penpol School have been taking part in the international Hour Of Code this week.  The idea behind the Hour of Code is simple, to get every child around the world spending an hour learning a little bit about computer science and programming.  This year there are over 514 million children taking part in the Hour, from all around the world.


Countries where the Hour of Code is taking place this year


The challenge the children have been undertaking this year has been designed by the team behind Minecraft and is called Hero’s Journey.  On this challenge you have to write your own code to control the robotic ‘Agent’ who can then help your character complete the twelve levels.  You can try it yourself at home here.

Everyone in Key Stage 2 took part in the challenge with some children even going the extra mile to collect the hard-to-reach diamonds on each level.

It was really good fun!  I didn’t know that I could control my character Steve. – George, C14

The Hour of Code follows on nicely from the lessons the children are currently having in Computing where they are learning how a computer works and how we, as users, can write simple instructions to control the computers.  The children are really getting stuck into this logical way of thinking and really deserved their Minecraft inspired treat this week!

Well done Key Stage 2!


You can find out more about the Hour of Code here.

Martin Zooms into 3rd Place

Martin has been racing at the local kart track ‘Coast 2 Coast’ where they race every week to obtain points for the season championship. He is the youngest racer and was delighted to finish third in the final race of the year. However, next season he has his sights set firmly on achieving first place.

I really like go karting because it’s great fun. The best thing is racing other people because it’s very exciting – Martin – Class 10

In addition to this series, Martin is in training for a national competition in his own kart which takes place at Clay Pigeon Raceway in Dorset. This is a professional circuit where he obtains speeds upward of 50 mph in his race-tuned kart!


Watch out Lewis Hamilton, you’re about to be overtaken!

Student of The Year For Taekwondo Star

It was a double achievement for Martynas as he has achieved his 9th ‘Kup’ in Taekwondo. Not only that, out of all of the students who take part in his Taekwondo classes, Martians was awarded student of the year for 2017 which was a remarkable achievement.

After demonstrating some of his moves, it is clear he has worked exceptionally hard to develop the skills required. He has also demonstrated a high level of determination and commitment as he trains once a week as well as practising at home every day.

I like Taekwondo because it keeps me fit. It also teaches me to be disciplined and respectful


Keep up the great work Martynas, I look forward to seeing your certificate for achieving the 8th Kup in the future!


Wake Up Shake Up – Fireball!

KS1 Children have really enjoyed this terms “Wake Up and Shake Up” routine.

All children from Reception and Years 1 and 2 have been rocking out their dance moves to the sound of ‘Fireball’. Children can be seen jumping, clapping, and grape vining across the playground and by the smiles on their faces you can see that they are all enjoying a fun way way of keeping fit.

“I love dancing and wiggling. My favourite bit is shouting “Fireball”. Georgia – Class 4

“I like dancing, jumping and running”. Nicholas – Class 4

“Its a really good song and I like the tune. It makes me feel happy”. Dylan – Class 5

“We do it every morning to help our bodies keep fit”. Emmy – Class 6


You can watch this terms routine below: