Month: May 2018
Penpol have Sporting Stars in Gymnastics!
This week we’ve had some excellent news from Kiki, Myla, Zannah and Maizy who have all competed and won prizes in gymnastics. Here they are talking about their wins in their own words…
Kiki (Class 7)
“I definitely didn’t think that I would win, but I was really proud when I did.” Kiki came first in her Gymnastics with her tumbling routine.
Myla (Class 3), Zannah (Class 10) and Maizy (Class 10)
“There was a gymnastics competition and we had to learn three runs and we had to do them and the judges judged us. There was sixth, fifth, fourth, third, second and first places. We came fourth, fifth and sixth overall and have these lovely rosettes to show how well we did. There were 14 people taking part so we were really excited to be in the top six.”
From the Computer Screen to the Real World
Over the past few weeks Taran has been helping run Computing Club along with some friends on a Thursday lunchtime. Whilst there he’s been using his extra computing time to design and create a plastic storage unit for his tent on a program called Tinkercad.
When I first opened my tent I saw a very handy hook right in the centre. I thought “that could have a hanging basket on it” but instead of designing one hanging basket I designed four and had them 3D printed out in the same colour they were on the computer. I’m going to use my invention for general storage in my tent and I think it will be very useful. – Taran, Y6
He has measured, designed and refined his digital model to the point where he was ready to get it 3D printed. It took nearly 14 hours to print all four parts of the model, but now it’s finished he’s delighted with the result. He now has his very own, unique, storage solution for his tent. Well done Taran, an amazing project.
Penpol School are sharing their ‘Internet Legends’ status!
Here at Penpol we’ve been working really hard to learn all about staying safe online and how to look after each other in the digital world. We’ve been one of the first schools to use the exciting and innovative Be Internet Legends program from Google and ParentZone, which has involved a series of five fun and immersive lessons for Key Stage 2.
We were contacted by ParentZone, the company who are helping Google introduce this program into schools in the UK and they were so impressed by what we’ve been doing here at Penpol that they’ve written a blog post about us for their website! Not only that, but they emailed the story out to every school in the country, to share our best practice with e-safety. The feedback from ParentZone on our implementation of the Be Internet Legends program has been overwhelmingly positive and hopefully we can help share these skills with other schools through this blog.
We’re expecting a visit from Google next week to give a special assembly to our Key Stage 2 children, so keep an eye out for photos from that soon.
Mr Woolcock