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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”
This term the Year 4 pupils are learning all about robots and their uses in the world. They’ve been taking this learning into Computing as well and this week we’ve written programs to help us draw our very own robotic creations.
Using Scratch 3.0 the children have worked together to make a program which mimics a traditional Etch-A-Sketch, moving the pen up, down, left and right by using the correct blocks of code.
Here’s a few pictures of what their programs looked like, followed by a gallery of the Class 9 robots and the Class 10 robots.
To make their programs even better the children used the MicroBit as a remote controller, adding in pen up, pen down and clear screen functionality into their coding.
On Wednesday, Year 5 zipped up to Hayle Academy for a fantastic, fun filled STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) morning. The children had an excellent morning learning how to cook, make solar powered cars, do advanced maths, science and art.
As well as this being an opportunity to learn some fantastic new skills, the children were able to acquaint themselves with the ‘big’ school, meet new people and meet the teachers that they might be taught by one day.
A fantastic time was had by everyone and the children came back with smiles on their faces and freshly cooked muffins in their bags.
Have you ever wondered where electricity comes from? Class 9 have been investigating the different ways in which electricity is produced. After investigating and finding information, the children wrote short scripts outlining what they have found. Using iPads, the children have narrated a video from the BBC website to help people understand more about where electricity comes from.
During this terms English lessons, Class 6 have been reading the story ‘The Adventures of the Egg Box Dragon’ by Richard Adams. Whilst listening to extracts from the story, the children have had the opportunity to read aloud, visualise or picture a place from the story, plan procedural writing, perform a kenning poem about dragons and write a letter to the Egg Box Dragon asking for help. The children have also been able to incorporate this story into their DT lessons, by planning and creating an Egg Box dragon of their own.
The long awaited announcement of this year’s first crop of ‘Super Six’ pupils took place this week with the awarding of 5 ties and certificates. Becoming a ‘Super Six’ is not simply about academic success but more so recognising excellent role models that demonstrate the shared values and ethos of the school.
Our five pupils have been presented with a certificate signed by all members of teaching staff as well as the Year 6 team. This means that the children’s awarding of the certificate must be agreed by all, a wonderful achievement and one to be very proud of. The children have also signed a contract to show that they now fully understand the responsibilities for their new role.
These particular children share a tremendous work ethic and constant drive to succeed and improve. Through both homework and classwork they have shown immense effort and diligence and we are wholly confident they will continue to set an excellent example for children at Penpol School as they wear their new ties with pride.
We look forward to seeing these children continue to develop and flourish at Penpol as well as looking forward to the opportunity to present more awards to deserving children. For any Years 6 wishing to find out what they need to do, they need look no further than the attached contract.
Below are some photos with some very proud parents who we were glad could join us for the assembly on Christmas jumper Day!
Aliens…do they actually exist? This is a question which has been at the forefront of space exploration since the first human was launched into Space in 1961. This question is precisely what Year 5 are in the midst of learning about, having started reading ‘The Jamie Drake Equation’, by Christopher Edge, this new term.
Year 5 have explored in Science the ideal conditions for Extra-Terrestrial life forms to exist in our universe, referred to in the book as the ‘Goldilocks Zone’.
The Goldilocks Zone is neither too hot nor too cold.
Once accepting the fact that our universe is incredibly vast, all students were in agreement that in some corner of our universe, life must exist. With this in mind, both classes in Year 5 immediately began designing their own aliens in their French lesson, labelling and talking about them in French. Each one of their creations have been unique in their own way, with exceptional use of French vocabulary which would be impressive even for a GCSE French student.
In Science and Literacy, we have also looked at different attributes which are essential in order to be an astronaut. Year 5 students have completed their own mini astronaut application and were interviewed by their peers on why they would be the ideal candidate to send into Space on a mission to discover alien life form.
This week, Year 5 students will be finalising their applications and delivering a persuasive group presentation on why their group would be the ideal team to be sent into Space. Year 5 students will also be interviewing a NASA employee via Skype over the next couple of weeks in order to find out more about what it would be like to work at America’s Space Agency.
Look out for presentation videos to follow over the next few days!