- Contact Us
Chris Coyle-Chislett
Email the Office
Telephone Number
01736 753472
Follow us on Twitter
Our Address
2 St George’s Road, Hayle,
Cornwall, TR27 4AH
Chris Coyle-Chislett
Email the Office
Telephone Number
01736 753472
Follow us on Twitter
Our Address
2 St George’s Road, Hayle,
Cornwall, TR27 4AH
The governors of the school are required to focus upon three strategic areas and hold our headteacher to account.
Our governing body has representatives from the staff, parents, the local authority and various sectors of the wider community, bringing a wide range of skills and experience
We are all very proud to play our part in supporting the school and our students. We want each child to feel safe and to enjoy their time at Penpol. It is our firm commitment that every child receives the provision they deserve in order to achieve the best possible outcomes on both their academic and personal journeys.
– Chair of Governors
Staff Governor | Governor since 14.4.2018
Chairs Committee
Finance + Premises Committee
Staffing Committee
Responsible For: Whistleblowing
and Safeguarding
Co-opted Governor | Governor Term: 4.10.2021 - 3.10.2025
Chairs Committee
Second Committee
Headteacher Pay + Performance Committee
Co-opted Governor | Governor Term: 4.10.2021 - 3.10.2025
First Committee
Local Authority (LA) Governor | Governor Term: 6.12.2021 - 6.12.2025
Second Committee
Responsible For: Health and Safety
Staff Governor | Governor Term: 1.9.2018 - 31.8.2022
Staffing Committee
Parent Governor | Governor Term:
Co-opted Governor | Governor Term:
Co-opted Governor | Governor Term:
Co-opted Governor | Governor Term:
Associate Member | Governor Term: 1.9.2019 - 30.8.2023
Clerk to the Governors
Clerk since 2023
This page was last updated 3 months ago