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Chris Coyle-Chislett
Email the Office
Telephone Number
01736 753472
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Our Address
2 St George’s Road, Hayle,
Cornwall, TR27 4AH
Welcome to our homework page. Here you will find information about the sort of homework that is expected each week from your child. In addition, our teachers have put together some downloadable pages of suggested activities relating to class topics.
As you might expect, as pupils progress through the school, the level of homework will increase gradually. From reading to spelling to times tables, the expectations alter with each year group. The ‘Meet the Teacher’ session, in September, is the perfect opportunity to find out about the homework to be set in your child’s class. If you cannot attend this session, you are welcome to make appointments with our staff via the School Office.
As a rough guide, the table below gives examples of likely homework for each year group. Please note: this list is not exhaustive and your child’s teacher will adapt the homework according to the needs of the pupils and changes to the National Curriculum.
Topic activities for each term are downloadable from this page. Please note: they are not mandatory.
Schools provide homework for a variety of reasons. At Penpol School, we believe that regular opportunities to undertake homework can benefit our pupils for the following reasons:
We are aware that, for many families, organising homework (such as weekly English and Maths activities) can feel like an extra chore, which inevitably defeats the main purpose: to demonstrate that learning can be fun! We want our parents to feel as confident as our pupils about what is expected for each class. With this in mind, we have put together some pointers for parents:
We reward genuine effort, rather than test scores alone. Where we see that pupils have challenged themselves to extend their learning at home, we will reward their effort with house tokens and stamps. Sometimes pictures of homework are shared on the Penpol Times or we might take a photo for our topics books. Spellings and times tables are tested and marked – as is most Maths and English – however, we do not give written feedback for all homework. Instead, it may be part of a class discussion, during which pupils are given verbal feedback. The format of marking is consistent with our marking policy. Needless to say, we like to make hard-workers feel special!
Please find below downloadable pages of homework suggestions for the topics your child will study this term. Please note: these activities are not mandatory. However, having successfully trialled this style of homework in Mrs Jane’s class, we have found that pupils are excited by the freedom of choice and the creative format.
As an incentive, teachers offer house tokens for maximum effort in homework. Some pupils have already featured in the Penpol Times for their extra-curricular efforts!
These pieces of work can be completed at any point during the term. Some children like to try something new every week, some pupils less often and some pupils need a little more encouragement.
In case you are wondering why we have included activities for last term… We endeavour to promote life-long learning, therefore it doesn’t matter whether or not we have finished a topic in class, our pupils are welcome to continue researching subjects that capture their imaginations, no matter what the time of year!
An editable activity checklist for children under 11. Includes guidance, a foreword from the Secretary of State and supporting resources.
Produced by the Department for Education.
Find ideas for home learning on the Reception Curriculum page by clicking here.
Find ideas for home learning on the Year 1 Curriculum page by clicking here.
Find ideas for home learning on the Year 2 Curriculum page by clicking here.
Find ideas for home learning on the Year 3 Curriculum page by clicking here.
Find ideas for home learning on the Year 4 Curriculum page by clicking here.
Find ideas for home learning on the Year 5 Curriculum page by clicking here.
Find ideas for home learning on the Year 6 Curriculum page by clicking here.