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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Diversity and Inclusion

Penpol School is a proudly inclusive community. We embrace the need for all of us to continue to grow and learn in order to build a truly fair and supportive society for all.

This section of our website provides a focal point for all school-wide work relating to diversity and inclusion and will be updated regularly with news, resources and ideas to explore at home.

Useful Resources to Support a Conversation at Home

What is an ally?

BBC Newsround

Race and Equality Action Plan

In addition to our longer-term curriculum review, we have identified that there is particularly pressing work required to empower all stakeholders to talk positively, appropriately and confidently about race and identity without causing harm.

This action plan sets out this journey for the remainder of the summer 2022 term. From September onwards, this focus will continue through our Core Priorities and School Development Plan.

This is a working document and is open to the scrutiny and input of all. In particular, it will be closely monitored and updated by our Race Equality Task Force.   

Related Links

Diversity and Inclusion Glossary

One thing which can hold us back from talking positively about diversity and inclusion is finding the right words to say. The following glossary is designed to support us all to talk with confidence about such issues, without the risk of harming others. We look forward to expanding and adding to our glossary, working closely with our Race Equality Taskforce in the coming weeks. We would love to hear any thoughts you may have. 

A group of people who campaigned to end slavery.
Someone who understands and makes an effort to help achieve racial equality.
A person who is a legal member of a country, state, empire, with rights of citizenship.
A system of ruling, settling in and exploiting other countries and the ideas and attitudes that go with it.
To make a new colony, or to gain control over another country.
The ideas, customs and social behaviours of a particular group or society.
A concept that has been applied to prejudices and discrimination based on cultural differences between ethnic or racial groups.
Unfair treatment based of people or groups based upon characteristics they possess, such as skin colour, religion, place of birth, gender, sexuality, identity or disabilities.
Making someone a slave; claiming ownership of them and forcing them to work.
Usually been used to refer to long-shared cultural experiences, religious practices, traditions, ancestry, language, dialect or national origins (for example, African-Caribbean, Indian, Irish).
Can overlap with culture, ethnicity and nationality, generally refering to the ancestors of a person, and how they identified.
A person who comes to live permanently in a different country, regardless of reason.
Racism which is embedded in systems, processes or organisations.

The acknowledgement that different people experience discrimination and oppression in different ways, taking into account different characteristics at risk of marginalisation.

The unfair treatment of a person, group, or concept as insignificant or less worthy of focus.

Indirect, subtle or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalised group. 

A person who moves from one country to another.
The country of which a person is a recognised citizen.

A neurological difference. Autism, ADHD, Tourette’s and dyslexia are all examples of neurodivergence.

The diversity of brains and neurotypes.

The most commonly found brain type or neurotype.

A term  used to refer to people who do not identify as white. Generally felt to be more empowering than terms such as ‘BAME’.
Characteristics which are legally protected from discrimination. These are: age, disability, being married or in and civil partnership, pregnancy, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
A categorisation that is based mainly on physical attributes or traits, assigning people to a specific race simply by having similar appearances or skin colour (for example Black or White). Race is a social construct and not a scientific term.
A system of unfair treatment based on the false belief that some racial or ethnic groups are better for worse than others.
Systems that force people identified as being in different groups to live or spend time apart from others.

Discomfort or defensiveness on the part of a white person when exposed to information about racial inequality.

Social, economical and political advantages that favour white people over people of colour in some societies.


We are proud of the neurodiversity represented in our school community. Many of our pupils, parents, carers and staff are autistic or neurodivergent.

We are particularly mindful that society is not yet as supportive for different neurotypes as it should be and see it as our duty to be a part of this change.

We are determined to empower our pupils to be proud of who they are, to be their authentic selves and to avoid the harmful effects of masking. If you or your child would like additional support in this area, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team.

We have compiled some useful resources and links below and are always keen to hear of more.

Neurodiversity Hub

Parent Carers Cornwall

Recent Updates from Penpol

This page was last updated 4 weeks ago