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Cora’s guinea pigs visited Class 1 today.
They are really cute, they are the nbest pets in the world, I love cuddling them every time after school, Dusty is mine and I really love when Brownie is squeaking – Cora
We learnt that they like to eat hay and raw vegetables and only nap for 20 minutes at a time.
They are only 12 weeks old so are not fully grown yet. They will be adults at 2 years old and will live for 5 years.
They eat some cucumber and some carrot and maybe some cabbage, they sleep on hay – Elliott
They live in a hutch and have sensitive ears, which meant we all had to be quiet so we didn’t scare them.
One was naughty because he was running away, we cant touch their ears – Talia
Cora told us that Brownie is the naughty guinea pig because he like to escape out of his hutch and hide. He has escaped twice and hid underneath the his hutch and the TV cabinet and refused to come out.
They were soft and we stroked them – Albie
Class 1 would like to thank Cora and Mrs Kemp for sharing these very cute pets with us.
Classes 1 and 2 had a great time visiting the Tate in St Ives last week as part of our Super Sculptures project.
We have been learning about Barbara Hepworth and her sculptures in school with the children creating their own sculptures the week before. We enjoyed being shown around the gallery by Helen and finding all the different sculptures with our spy tubes!
The children also got the opportunity to take part in a workshop with artists Steph and Emily as part of our visit. We had lots of fun playing musical sculptures, moving our bodies into different poses each time the music stopped!
After practising making sculptures using our bodies, it was time to recreate them on paper. The children took turns to draw around each others’ shadows before then creating them out of plasticine and wire.
After enjoying a tasty packed lunch we finished off our visit with a trip to the beach and had lots more fun making sculptures out of the sand, before boarding the bus to come back to Penpol.
We had a great day on our visit to the Tate and would like to say a big thank you to Steph, Helen, Emily and Rachael!
The reception classes were thrilled to be joined by Steph and Helen, two local artists from the Tate Gallery in St.Ives.
We learnt about who Barbara Hepworth was, what she created and the types of materials she used to create her masterpieces.
You can make sculptures out of glass, pottery, wood and metal – Ruby
We investigated some of the structures she created and even handled some of the tools she used from her art studio.
Next we explored some of the shapes that she made and had a go at creating our own sculptures using 2D and 3D shapes. We discussed the different properties the shapes had and tried to find some examples of shiny, smooth and rough shapes, some with holes and some with many sides.
We experimented with torches to create some shadows. We drew around the shadows to create some interesting art work.
I made sculptures like Baraba Hepworth. They showed us how to make towers out of triangles and squares – Felix
Finally we had a go at making our own Barbara Hepworth inspired models from clay. The children designed, moulded and shaped to make their lovely sculptures.
I made a sculpture. I made it look like a ring. I made a whole in it like Barbara Hepworth – Cameron
Class 1 and 2 would like to thank Steph and Helen for helping us to create our own masterpieces.