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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel!

The Key Question Year 1 are exploring in RE this term is: “Who is Jewish and how do they live?”

This term, we’ve had a lot of fun learning about the dreidel, a traditional Jewish game. Jewish people play dreidel during the festival of Hanukkah, which celebrates the Festival of Lights. We’ve also been singing the dreidel song:

I have a little dreidel,
I made it out of clay.
And when it’s dry and ready,
Oh dreidel, I shall play!

Lighting Up Our Learning: A Christingle Celebration of Light and Love

This week, year 2 has been learning about a very special Christmas tradition – Christingle. As part of our lessons on Christian celebrations, we explored the meaning behind this beautiful tradition, which is celebrated by Christians all around the world during Advent and Christmas.

The word Christingle comes from two words: “Christ,” who Christians believe is the light of the world, and “tingle,” which refers to the orange shape used in the celebration. We discovered that the orange represents the world, while the candle placed on top is a symbol of Jesus being the light that shines in the darkness. We also learned that the red ribbon wrapped around the orange stands for the love of Jesus.  Some Christians believe the sticks with sweets or fruit represent all the gifts we give to others at Christmas, whilst others believe they represent God’s creation of the four seasons.

Learning about Christingle has been a wonderful way for us to understand the Christian message of peace, love, and giving.

Year 2 Explore Christianity and Islam

This term, Year 2 pupils have been learning about Islam and Christianity through their enquiry questions…

Who is Muslim and how do they live?

Why does Christmas matter to Christians?

In order to learn from religious experts and make connections between these different religions, Year 2 embarked on an all-day outing to Truro Cathedral and the Carnon Downs Islamic Community Centre.

The festive season started early in Truro Cathedral, which was decorated with a truly magnificent Christmas tree, stood some 20ft tall!

The children enjoyed a Christmas workshop, which involved collaging angel Christmas cards. Each pupil was then given a decorative star, on which they wrote the name of a person who is special to them. These stars were later hung upon the cathedral’s Christmas tree.



We were then taken on a magical tour of the building, learning and acting out the Nativity of Jesus along the way. Children were enthralled by the story, which developed their understanding of why Christmas is important to Christians.


After enjoying our lunch in the Cathedrals choir vestry, we continued our religious journey to the Carnon Downs Islamic Community Centre. This is the only masjid (another word for mosque) in Cornwall. One of the centre’s aims is to educate Muslims and Non-Muslims, both young and old, about the true teachings of Islam; “Peace”.

One of the masjid’s Imams, Mohammad, gave us a warm welcome into the beautiful building. Children demonstrated their respect for others’ beliefs and practices by taking off their shoes before entering the centre. Mohammad then enlightened us with an introductory presentation on Islam; he explained the Five Pillars of Islam, demonstrated passages of the Quran in Arabic and answered some very insightful questions from our pupils about their beliefs and practices.

“Why do Muslims pray?”
“Do Muslims celebrate Christmas?”
“Do you believe in Jesus?”

We were then taken on a tour of the masjid by one of their volunteers, Abdul-Bari, who showed us the washroom and prayer rooms. Our visit was wonderfully concluded with an Adhan (an Islamic call to public prayer). The children watched with wonder and fascination as Mohammad and Abdul-Bari demonstrated their daily prayer, facing east in the direction of Mecca.

Following this trip, Year 2 pupils wrote some wonderfully detailed recounts of the visits to these religious buildings, demonstrating the impacts of the experience.  They have continued the pursuit of their enquiry questions in English lessons, in which pupils have been making connections between Islam and Christianity by discussing and writing about the similarities and differences of their beliefs and practices.

Daya Visits Penpol School

Class 6 loved our workshop with Daya, in which we looked at the life of someone who follows the religion of Islam, including the Five Pillars of Islam, Islamic prayer practices and the role of a mosque in Islamic culture. Daya taught us how Muslims pray and that they pray 5 times a day, in the direction of Mecca. All pupils then had the chance to dress in some traditional Indian clothing and learn some wonderful Indian dance!

Both Year 5 classes had the opportunity to work with Daya. She introduced our key question, ‘What is it like to be a Muslim in Britain today?’

The children had the chance to discus different faiths and how they differ from each other. There was a particular focus on the pillars of Islam, before having the chance to dress in traditional muslim attire and have a go at some Indian dancing.

Year 2 Visit Church for the Easter Story

This morning (Monday 4th April), Year 2 visited St. Elwyn’s Church to learn about the Easter Story before the holidays.

We got ready first thing; wrapped up warm in our coats and waterproof trousers to keep us dry – as it was a bit rainy outside – and we set off!

After a short walk down the road, we arrived at the church.


We were met inside by three lovely people from St. Elwyn’s. They introduced themselves and taught us a song to the tune of ‘London’s Burning’ which told about the Easter Story.

[videopack id=”42698″]https://www.penpolschool.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/IMG_3280.mov[/videopack]

Once everyone had had a good sing-song, we listened very carefully and learnt about the Easter Story.


We then had some time to look around the church and at the ‘Stations of the Cross’.




Finally, we sat down and had our snack before heading back to school!

Year 6 Explore Islam With Daya

In Year 6 this term we have been studying Islam in RE. We have learnt all about the 5 Pillars, the importance of prayer, the Qur’an, fasting and the pilgrimage to Mecca.

We also had the opportunity to host Daya, for day. Daya is a Religious Education specialist who lives in Cornwall. During the day we had the chance to ask her a whole host of questions and discuss how not only Islam, but various different religions around the world have differing and interestingly similar beliefs.

The children talked at length about respect, respecting each others views and beliefs.

Throughout the day, we looked at the life of someone who follows the religion of Islam, a muslim, the importance of the mosque and the role it plays in Islamic culture. We also had the chance to dress in some traditional Indian clothing, learn some Indian dance and finally try some homemade potato curry along with the chapatti breads that we made in class.