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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Summer Sunshine and Year 4 Learning in the Wildlife Garden

This term, Year 4 have taken great joy from learning outside in our wildlife garden.  From Science through to Music, the wildlife garden has provided the perfect setting to enjoy not just forest school, but also all of their learning.

Just before half term, Class 9 wrote a description of the wildlife garden from each of their perspectives.  The class really enjoyed sharing their descriptions in the mini amphitheatre.  This task drew out all of the benefits of looking after the fantastic wild areas that we are lucky in our community to have, a particularly poignant topic of discussion with the G7 summit taking place this week.

I really like spending time in the wildlife garden.  It makes me feel happy and calm.  Alex, Class 9

In Science, Year 4 have also been learning about habitats and had to create a powerpoint/ pic collage on what habitats could be found in the wildlife garden, along with the features and residents of each habitat.  Students were particularly surprised to find centipedes, tadpoles and even a wandering Wilf (our very own resident school dog) in the wildlife garden.  

Finally, Year 4 have taken dusted off their vocal chords and sang a classic song, ‘Let it Be’, by the Beatles, a song which we studied last half term in music.  It was a great song to finish off last half term and listen to students singing in a big group again.  Enjoy the video below!


Exploring Stop Motion in Class 14

In Computing this week Class 14 learnt all about Stop Motion Animation and how to bring objects to life in creative and fun ways.  After a short introduction their challenge was simple: “Make your Classroom come to life!”.

Sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy these fantastic short films!

Brodie and Maison

Tess and Lydia

Toby and Fynn

Eloise and Kiki

Patrick, Scott and Oskar

Solomon and William

Jonas and Luke

Jaz and Aimee

Jasmin and Peyton

Ivan and Mrs Bailie

Isla and Imogen

Freddie and Seb

Finton and Dominick

Finley and Declan

Internet Legends and Beyond with Year 6

As well as learning about being Internet Legends, our Year 6’s have taken their learning a step further by creating their own sixth section to the Be Internet Legends curriculum.  After some really in depth discussions each child settled upon what they felt would be an important addition to create themselves.

They then set about designing their own character to fit with this theme, with a focus on making the characters have a personality as well as looking 3D.  Creating these with just triangles was quite a challenge!

Lastly the children considered what the ‘Key Messages’ should be for their new theme and created the colourful, informative posters you see below.

Well done Year 6!

Class 13 Posters

“I made my Internet Legends poster to remind people to be kind to each other.” – Summer 

“I made my Internet Legends poster to remind people to always be safe on the internet and never trust other people unless you know them in real life not just on the internet.” – Eemahnee

“My Be Internet Legend is respectful because a lot of people forget that respect is the key to happiness.” – Reuben

“My Be Internet Legend poster is important because being calm on the internet isn’t easy when you are playing games on the internet that make you unhappy or angry.  It is hard to communicate with other people and talk about why you are unhappy and angry.  Just remember to stop playing when you get angry and unhappy.” – Rhys

Class 14 Posters

“You need to be strong to tell a trusted adult if you see something off.” – Jonas

“I think it is good to be mindful, so you don’t put anything bad on the internet by mistake.” – William

“My poster is all about being internet cautious because not all people can be trusted.” – Luke

“If you are nice to people they will treat you the same.” – Declan

“I think kids should always be aware of a scam is.  It’s a crucial life lesson to learn.” – Gwen