Summer Sunshine and Year 4 Learning in the Wildlife Garden

This term, Year 4 have taken great joy from learning outside in our wildlife garden.  From Science through to Music, the wildlife garden has provided the perfect setting to enjoy not just forest school, but also all of their learning.

Just before half term, Class 9 wrote a description of the wildlife garden from each of their perspectives.  The class really enjoyed sharing their descriptions in the mini amphitheatre.  This task drew out all of the benefits of looking after the fantastic wild areas that we are lucky in our community to have, a particularly poignant topic of discussion with the G7 summit taking place this week.

I really like spending time in the wildlife garden.  It makes me feel happy and calm.  Alex, Class 9

In Science, Year 4 have also been learning about habitats and had to create a powerpoint/ pic collage on what habitats could be found in the wildlife garden, along with the features and residents of each habitat.  Students were particularly surprised to find centipedes, tadpoles and even a wandering Wilf (our very own resident school dog) in the wildlife garden.  

Finally, Year 4 have taken dusted off their vocal chords and sang a classic song, ‘Let it Be’, by the Beatles, a song which we studied last half term in music.  It was a great song to finish off last half term and listen to students singing in a big group again.  Enjoy the video below!


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