News from Year 1:

Christina Sukstiene

Penpol’s Got Talent 2024

As is tradition in the last week of term, our talented students from right across Penpol School put on a spectacular show for the whole school to enjoy today.  The incredible students taking part in Penpol’s Got Talent showcased their singing, dancing, gymnastics, tap dancing, yoyo skills and

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Jack Emery

Penpol Celebrates Languages Day 2023!

On Wednesday 4th October, Penpol School celebrated European Day of Languages for its 6th time. We are so fortunate to have so many languages being spoken as either a first or second language by our students.  For this reason, European Day of Languages is a prime opportunity to

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Jacob Woolcock

Fantastic Fireworks in Year 1

This week Year 1 have been learning all about fireworks by writing poetry and creating digital art. The children started on Tuesday by getting used to drawing on the iPads with the Logitech Crayons. They used Keynote to draw some colourful, bright fireworks using lots of small mark

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Rebecca Best

Andrew Clover reminds us that Reading and Writing is Magic!

We’ve had a very exciting day at Penpol today, kicking off our Reading and Writing is Magic Festival with a visit from the famous author, Andrew Clover!  Andrew has written lots of books as part of the Rory Branagan Detective series. The children in Key Stage 1 and

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Christina Sukstiene

KS1 Cricket Morning

Last Thursday; Class 3, Class 4, Class 5 and Class 6 all walked to Hayle Cricket Club to spend the morning playing lots of fun cricket activities together! The children had the opportunity to play Rapid Fire Cricket and Caterpillar Cricket as well as being able to have

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Nic Stanlake

Penpol Mini Marathon 2022

The sun shone brightly for our first Penpol Mini-Marathon for 3 years on Wednesday; with it came the flushed red faces, the gallons of water drank and the hundreds of smiling faces.It always is such a lovely afternoon and it was bettered this year to finally be able so

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Tiffany Pope

Platinum Picnic at Penpol

It was such a glorious sight to see the whole school on the field enjoying the sunshine and celebrating the Queens Jubilee. Every child had a smile, younger children danced and played with children from the older years and there was a real festival feel. It has been

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Christina Sukstiene

Penpol’s Sponsored Mile for Ukraine

Over the past few weeks, Penpol have been raising money for ShelterBox – a charity that are providing emergency shelter and resources to families who have lost their homes during the current war happening in Ukraine.   Before we embarked on our walks, we had a visitor from

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Jack Emery

Penpol Celebrates European Day of Languages 2021

This week, the whole school celebrated European Day of Languages. With a wealth of languages being spoken along the corridors of our school, from Polish to French, Lithuanian to Portuguese, it was especially important to give all languages the recognition they duly deserve. Students and staff were invited

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Emily Bodmer

Class 3 Seaside Art

Class 3 have enjoyed exploring a variety of mediums and skills to create Seaside themed art. So far they have used, paint, water colour paint, sketching pencils and pens as well as collaging. They particularly enjoyed following a step-by-step teacher tutorial using sketching pencil to create lines and

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Emily Bodmer

Sticky Jam Sandwich Fun in Year 1

After reading ‘The Giant Jam Sandwich’  in our ‘Talk Through Stories’ session, Year 1 explored instruction writing whilst making jam sandwiches. They focused on sequencing, using time connectives and imperative verbs. Apart from watching their teachers get messy whilst they followed the classes vague instructions, their favourite part

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Chris Chislett

Outdoor Learning in full flow at Penpol

We are learning outdoors more than ever at Penpol and this is having such a positive impact upon the way we learn. Have a look at what we’ve been up to below. Please do keep an eye on the forecast each day so that your child is ready

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Nic Stanlake

Sports Day 2020

2020 brought around a slightly different kind of sports day. Over 100 of our pupils took part in first ever Rainbow games, both at home and in school. The day consisted of children competing in for their houses in a range of throwing, jumping and running activities alongside

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Jacob Woolcock

Music Without the Marquee 2020

Here at Penpol School we are delighted to be able to bring a slice of Music in the Marquee to you virtually.  Yes, we know it’ll never be the same as being in the marquee together as we celebrate the end of another school year, but we sincerely

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