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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Year 2 enjoy a visit from the Cat’s Protection League

As part of their science topic ‘Animals including Humans’, the children in Year 2 had an exciting visit today from the Cat’s Protection League. The children heard all about the hard and caring work the volunteers do to help lost and stray cats and were then informed how we, as  cat owners, should care for cats and kittens correctly.

Mrs Ruffell and Mrs Daniel would like to say a big thank you for all of the lovely donations received for the Cat’s Protection League. They were very grateful for your generosity.



Class 6 get creative

As part of their English and art lessons,  Class 6 have been listening to the story ‘The Adventures of Egg Box Dragon’, written by Richard Adams. The children enjoyed listening to how the character, Emma, made her own dragon out of an egg box and then acknowledging the importance of writing a clear set of instructions for others to follow. The children had a great time planning and then selecting a variety of materials to make an Egg Box Dragon of their own.


Mother Nature

As part of their art topic ‘Mother Nature’, Class 6 ventured out into Tehidy woods to explore signs of nature and Autumn. The children had a great day observing the many trees and shrubs and then squelching down the  muddy paths to interact with the many squirrels and swans that came up to say hello.


Year 2 enjoy their visit to Hayle Pilot Gig Club

This term Year 2 have been learning all about the champion rower  Ann Glanville. Ann was born in Saltash and was married to John Glanville, who worked as a waterman – someone who rowed people and cargo across the River Tamar. Together they had 14 children and when John became ill Ann took his job to provide money for their family. She was tall, strong and very good at rowing.

To help the children identify what life may have been like for Ann, the children had a  very informative trip down to the Hayle Pilot Gig Club.


Class 6 visit Tremenheere Gardens

At last the sun was shining and Class 6 were able to go on their educational visit to the Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens, without wearing wellington boots, coats and hats. Whilst at the gardens, the children got to observe a variety of  sculptures and exotic plants, which they were then able to draw into their sketchbooks. The children also got to go inside the camera obscure, where they were able to see a 360 degree view of the gardens in a hypnotic and magical way.

Class 6 will not be beaten by the weather!

Despite the awful weather conditions, Class 6 had an enjoyable day out at Trevaskis Farm. During their visit the children heard interesting facts about a range of fruit and vegetables and then went to meet some of the animals, who were brave enough to venture out in the rain to meet them.  Before heading back to school, the children got to pick and eat  the best strawberry they could find.

Class 6 brave the elements, whilst visiting St Michael’s Mount

Before being beaten by the weather, Class 6 had a great time exploring in the sand, rocks and sea.  The children were so excited to find a crab and with a little bit of help from Hazel, managed to find its way back to the sea.

The children enjoyed walking across the causeway and heading up the steep path towards the castle. After visiting the inside of the castle the weather  deteriorated  very quickly and sadly the children had to make a very quick return to the mini buses. All of the children from Class 6 demonstrated great stamina and perseverance against heavy rain, hail showers and a biting cold wind. As their Class Teacher, I am extremely proud of all  of them!






Class 6 travel back in time


Class 6 travelled back in time last week when they visited  The National  Maritime Museum in Falmouth, to hear all about the Titanic and how she met her fate by striking an iceberg.

The children enjoyed meeting the Captain Edward John Smith, dressing up as survivors, making their own sailing boats and having time to explore other areas of the museum.

” I enjoyed meeting the real Captain Smith” – Amelia

“I loved making and sailing our boats” – Riley

” I loved looking out to sea using the binoculars” Hazel

“I enjoyed going back in time” – Jasmine