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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Class 2 Visit the Yurt

On Wednesday, Class 2 enjoyed their first visit inside the new yurt on the school field.  The children enjoyed sharing stories with each other as well as listening to a story altogether and even found time for some cloud gazing!

Inside I liked it because it was big and I liked seeing the shapes on the wall. I liked seeing the clouds – they looked like a bunny, a unicorn and a heart! – Aggie

I liked lying and looking up and seeing the clouds. I read Hickory Dickory Dock – Elowen

We’re looking forward to our next visit to the yurt again next week!


Brilliant Balance Ability

Reception have been enjoying some great Balance Ability sessions since coming back after Easter.

I like letting go when we’ve held the bikes and then we go very fast down the hill – Jude

The children have enjoyed the challenges set for them to ride the bikes around the cones, practise gliding and have learnt about how to keep safe when on the bikes.

When you glide you have a big push off and then your bike moves – Niyah

I like gliding because the bike moves by itself – Suki

Reception have also enjoyed using the bikes in the afternoon and have been showing off what they have learnt.

I like the balance bikes because you can ride them in the afternoon. I like pedalling my bike at home – Seth

Well done Reception, we’re looking forward to seeing your bike skills grow over the next few weeks!

Class 2 STEM Week


Class 2 have done some great learning as part of STEM week and enjoyed becoming scientists, engineers and mathematicians for the week.

On Monday, after listening to the story of The Three Billy Goat’s Gruff, the children were set the challenge of building a bridge for the goats to cross, using only spaghetti, masking tape and teamwork! Once built, the class tested their bridges to see which was the strongest and came up with ideas to improve their bridges next time.

On Tuesday, we took part in an experiment using skittles and watched what would happen as water was added. After waiting a few seconds, the children loved seeing the patterns that emerged and looking at how different the other patterns around the class were.

On Wednesday came one of the children’s favourite activities of the week – making volcanoes! In small groups, the children were challenged to build a volcano using whatever they could find around the classroom, making sure they left a space for the volcano to erupt.  Once the volcanoes had been constructed, it was time for them to be filled with lava (a mixture of baking soda, vinegar and red food colouring) and to erupt!

The children put their maths and engineering skills to the test on Thursday by creating ramps for cars and measuring how far each car travelled. They predicted how far each car would travel and then tried raising and lowering the ramp to see if that would make a difference. After recording our results, we then talked about what might have affected how far the cars travel as a group.

Finally, on Friday we created some artwork using a swinging bottle/bucket and watched the different patterns it created when the children pushed harder or gentler on the bottle. We’re really pleased with how the artwork came out and hope to have it up on display in our outdoor area for you all to see soon!

Well done Class 2 on some great STEM learning, it was brilliant to see you enjoy becoming scientists/mathematicians/engineers and artists!

Reception Home Learning – June

Hello Class 1 and 2.

We are missing you all lots and can’t wait until we can see you again. We love seeing all the amazing learning you’ve been doing at home and wanted to share some of it with everyone.


Alex – Class 2

Alex has been learning all about 3D shapes this week and made this lovely castle! Alex says his favourite shape is the cone because you can get ice cream cones!

Noah – Class 1

Noah has also been learning about shapes this week and built this castle big enough for his dinosaur! Great job Noah.

Alayah – Class 2

Alayah enjoyed our puzzle challenge and created this lovely sea creature puzzle with her Dad. Well done Alayah, your puzzle looks fantastic and looks like you had lots of fun making it!

Morgan – Class 1

Morgan has been busy learning about the outdoors and how to light and put out a camp fire. He’s also done some great learning all about fish and did some lovely drawing too.

Noah – Class 2

Noah has done some great learning all about number bonds to 10 as well as creating an imaginary world using the Duplo. Well done Noah!

Maverick – Class 1

Maverick has been learning all about directions and was able to follow instructions whilst wearing a blindfold! He also enjoyed our puzzle challenge and created this lovely puzzle to put together.


Izzy – Class 2

Izzy has made a lovely rainbow puzzle, a great maze out of crayons and designed a magical animal – a dog that has a horn that lights up and helps to save other dogs. Great ideas Izzy, well done!


Lowenna – Class 1

Lowenna did some great learning in maths this week, recognising where the patterns had gone wrong. She also made a lovely jigsaw puzzle of her family and then timed herself to see how long it would take to put it back together. Well done Lowenna!

Everly – Class 2

Everly created this brilliant life size picture of herself as part of our body challenge. She labelled all the different parts beautifully. Amazing learning Everly!

Lexi – Class 1

Lexi created a very tricky maze using the blocks as well as a lovely rainbow fish. She’s also been very busy practising her writing and maths work. Well done Lexi!

Logan – Class 2

Logan has been very busy doing lots of learning at home. He’s been practising riding his bike, experimenting with skittles and helped his Mummy to make pasties. Well done Logan, thanks for sharing your lovely learning.

Bobby – Class 1

Bobby coloured and labelled this lovely picture of the Rainbow Fish as well as creating his own maze using lego. He listened to instructions for how to move around his maze whilst blindfolded! Great learning Bobby!

Fred – Class 1

Fred has been doing some great learning and has written some amazing fact files. He also enjoyed our bridge building challenge and has been working on labelling a life size picture of himself. Brilliant learning Fred!

Lili – Class 1

Lili has been doing some beautiful artwork all about the rainbow fish as well as about life cycles. Well done Lili, these are lovely pictures.

Ethan – Class 2

Ethan created this great maze out of Duplo and practised moving the dog character through it. He’s also been working on some addition to 10. Well done Ethan!

Luna – Class 1

Luna has done some great learning all about our bodies as well as some artwork about sea creatures. She also wrote some brilliant sentences about what she had drawn. Well done Luna!

Isla – Class 1

Isla has been practising her sounds and teen numbers, learning all about the human body as well as about the different parts of a fish.  Well done Isla, looks like you’ve been very busy!


Phoebe – Class 1

Phoebe created this brilliant bridge and also did some lovely writing all about her half term. Well done Phoebe, this is lovely home learning!

Sorrel – Class 1

Sorrel has enjoyed learning all about World Ocean’s Day and helped her family with a beach clean. She’s also been learning about electricity and enjoyed looking at circuit boards and the inside of items. She’s also measured herself against her own sorrel plant too and found it’s bigger than her now! Brilliant learning, well done Sorrel!

Reception Home Learning

Hi Class 1 and Class 2, we’d like to say a big thank you to all of you who have sent us some pictures of your home  learning. We wanted to share some of  the brilliant things you have been up to over the past few weeks. We’ll keep updating this page throughout the week with this week’s learning so keep sending the pictures in.

We both hope that you are all well and enjoying the learning challenges that we are setting.

Take care and see you soon

Miss Nidds and Miss Aspden


Lexi – Class 1

Lexi has been doing some great learning all about shapes, shadows and patterns. She’s drawn and labelled 2D shapes, been on a shape hunt around her house and created her own patterns using lego. Great work Lexi!



Everly – Class 2

Everly has been busy practising her phonics with her big sister as well as practising reading words independently. We loved seeing you making a boat with your family too as part of one of our challenges. Well done Everly!

Edwyn – Class 1

Edwyn has done some great learning in maths. He has been practising his addition with double digit numbers as well as building a tower taller than he is. He’s done some brilliant writing and he’s  also baked some delicious Millionaires’ Shortbread with his family – they look delicious Edwyn!

Alex – Class 2

Alex has been very busy with his home learning. He’s been practising his phonics sounds, learning about shadows and created a fruit face. He also went on a colour hunt around his house looking for blue items and estimated how many he would find. Great job Alex!

Charice – Class 1

Charice has been working hard with her letter formation and shape drawing as well as enjoying some colouring in and designing her own t-shirt!


Freya – Class 2

Freya has been doing some great investigating all about floating and sinking at home. She’s also been on a hunt to find everything pink in her house and ordered these by size, as well as doing some baking. Well done Freya, great learning!


Koby – Class 1

Koby enjoyed creating his fruit and veg face and very carefully prepared the ingredients for it. He has also been learning all about shadows on the beach and made a ‘sparkly magic potion’ using items from the garden. Well done Koby!

Alayah – Class 2

Alayah has done some brilliant learning about patterns, shadows and animals over the past few weeks. She also created her own musical instruments and played them along to music.


Luna – Class 1

Well done Luna on some great learning over the past few weeks. Luna has been practising her reading and writing, as well as creating a lovely picture of her family and going on a pink colour scavenger hunt!

Izzy – Class 2

Izzy has made a great guitar out of recycling, as well as a fruit and veg face. She also explored how shadows move by drawing around her toys in the garden.

Maverick – Class 1

Maverick has been very busy with his home learning. He’s been learning about shadows, made musical instruments using spaghetti and has practised his writing and numbers. Great work Maverick!


Evie – Class 2

Evie has been busy practising her writing, doing some baking and making a fairy door. Well done Evie – those brownies look delicious!


Phoebe – Class 1

Phoebe has been doing some brilliant learning all about patterns this week, as well as enjoy doing some painting and finding how many different places she could read her book in. Well done Phoebe!

Isla – Class 1

Isla has also had a busy week and has been practising writing words using magnetic letters, finding different shapes around the house and making vegetable faces with her sister. Looks great Isla!


Well done everyone on your great learning! Keep the pictures coming and we’ll post more in the next few weeks.


Miss Nidds and Miss Aspden

The Great Reception Class Bake Off

Class 1 and 2 demonstrate their culinary skills by baking the most delicious treats for all their family to enjoy.

With a little help from Mum or Dad, the children weighed, kneaded, mixed, melted, iced, glazed, and decorated to their hearts content.

They made cup cakes, large chocolate cakes, fruit cakes, mug cakes, pies, tarts, biscuits, cheesecakes, swiss rolls, millionaires shortbread, gingerbread men, cheese scones, fruit scones, Finnish cinnamon buns and even made their own pasta and filled it with a variety of tasty fillings.


These indulgent tasty delights were a massive hit with the children’s families but they had to get in there quickly, they didn’t last long.

“I made them cakes for mummy’s birthday, I made patterns with chocolate buttons and smarties. It’s yummy”- Koby


Reception Home Learning

Hi Class 1 and Class 2, we’d like to say a big thank you to all of you who have sent us some pictures of your home  learning over the past few weeks. We wanted to share some of your brilliant learning with everyone.

We both hope that you are all well and enjoying the learning challenges that we are setting.

Take care and see you soon

Miss Nidds and Miss Aspden


Alayah from Class 2 

Alayah has been being very creative and experimenting with water colours as well as creating a person from nature and going on a bug hunt!


Jack from Class 2

Jack has enjoyed creating a ‘mega den’ in his kitchen to continue with his reading, created a brilliant superhero and enjoyed going on a Bug Hunt in his garden.


Lowenna from Class 1

Lowenna has been doing some great learning at home and has had a teddy bears picnic and wrote invitations to all her bears. She has been doing some great counting games and made a brilliant Owlette costume!



Izzy from Class 2

Izzy has been practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, as well as doing some great addition and number writing. She has also designed her own superhero and fairy door along with some sentences about fairies.




Merryn from Class 2

Merryn has been very creative in her learning at home and has been outside flying kites and learning all about the wind, as well as creating a ‘Cat Box’ with working wheels for her toys.


Morgan from Class 1

Morgan has been having lots of fun learning outside and has found some tadpoles, made a boat and his own fairy door out of painted stones. He even had his own festival in his garden!


Alex from Class 2

Alex designed and made a great belt to turn himself into a superhero. He has also been busy painting his favourite insect, as well as making some great pictures and doing some fantastic writing.


Charlie from Class 2

Charlie made a brilliant nature picture of a dinosaur, designed a beautiful rainbow fairy door and had a great time at his teddy bear’s picnic.



Lexi from Class 1

Lexi has been keeping up with her phonics and reading at home, finding different places to read her book in the house. She has made some lovely pictures all linking to our learning challenges and drew ‘The Flash’ as part of our superhero challenge.


Isla from Class 2

Isla has been busy practising her letters and has enjoyed painting and colouring some great pictures.



Dexter from Class 2

Dexter has enjoyed having a Teddy Bears Picnic in his garden as well as creating a great Superhero.


Lili from Class 1

Lili had great fun creating some lovely pictures from her bug hunt and wrote the names of the insects beautifully. She has also been busy creating an obstacle course and a giant picture of a person on the beach!



Well done everyone on your great learning! Keep the pictures coming and we’ll post more next week.


Miss Nidds and Miss Aspden



Super Standing Stones Stables

Class 1 had an amazing time at the standing stones stables.

James and Buddy the horses were very gentle and patient with the children. Firstly they enjoyed being brushed and groomed by the children. We learnt all about how to care for them and how to keep them healthy and happy.

I saw a horse inside the stable that was as big as this room. Daisy wanted to find the fairy king and the fairy village in the woods. We built a village for the fairy king out of sticks – George

Next the horses were transformed into magical unicorns with bows, glitter, coloured ribbons and even a unicorn horn.

I liked it when I rided on the horse. He was called James he was brown – Sorrel

So I was eating lunch and I eated it then I rided on a horse. I went on the horses back and he skipped. I collected sticks in the woods – Daisy

Then for the most exciting part, the pony rides. All the children in the class were brave enough to have a ride and loved this wonderful experience.

There was even time for a lovely walk in the woods for a spot of exploring, investigating and den building.

I rided a horse, it was fun. It feeled like I had a fun day – Poppy

Class one would like to thank Natalie, Debbie, Amy and Sarah for their time, patience and care. They really gave the children the most wonderful experience and a trip to remember.

Fun at the Vets

Class I had the best time at the Animal Vets in Hayle. Claire, Jonathon and Patrick McCotter, along with their amazing team gave the children the most fantastic experience.

We learnt all about farms and farming from Patrick McCotter. He was great with the children telling them all about how to look after different animals on farms and what types of produce we can get from them if looked after properly.

You can get milk from cows and you can get milk from goats which is made into goats cheese – Violet

We also learnt all about what is inside the animals bodies. We studied some X-rays, one of a cat and another of a dog with a broken bone, one with a stone in his tummy and one with a needle in his tummy. The children were fascinated as Jonathon talked about what the animals have inside their bodies and related it to what the children have inside their bodies. They even got the opportunity to bandage a very gentle and tolerant Chester the dog.

I know pigs and cows have different meat – Luke

We saw a dogs broken bone and a dog swallowed a stone in the X-rays – Henry

Next we learnt all about some tortoises. For example they like to live in warm climates and generally most tortoises hibernate during the winter. The tortoises we met didn’t hibernate, they had fun trying to race each other to the finish line. We found out that they can live up to 100 years old and they like eating strawberries.

The tortoises came from the desert – Albie

The rabbits were a big hit with the children. They loved learning all about what to feed them and how to look after them. We learnt that rabbits like to eat hay to keep their ever growing teeth small and they don’t really like being picked up because they sometimes will feel threatened. The rabbits we met were very friendly and full of character.

I learnt rabbits have 28 teeth and their teeth keep growing and dogs are not aloud chocolate – Albie

Finally the children got scrubbed up into their surgery attire to perform a very delicate operation on a poorly dog that had eaten too many chocolates. The anaesthetist did a great job of ensuring the dog was asleep during the operation whilst the surgeons were busy at work.

I learnt that rabbits eat their own poo. We learnt what tortoises eat, strawberries. But really my favourite was eating the chocolate because Harold the dog eated too much chocolate then we got tweezers and picked it out of his tummy. Henry

The whole experience was fantastic. Class one would like to thank the whole team at the animal vets for all their hard work, organisation and exciting activities they provided for the children to support their learning about animals and pet care.


Watch Me Grow

Class 1 have been enjoying planting lots of different plants and flowers to add a bit of greenery to our play ground.

Thanks to the generous donations from parents, Wyevale garden centre, Asda and B & M in Penzance, we have been able to plant herbs, flowers, shrubs and vegetables.

Plants need lots of sun and water to help them grow – Violet

Class 1 will be learning all about different plants this term. We have started to learn about the different needs of plants and how to look after them. We will learn about the structure and function of each part of the plant and how water travels around the plant. We will also learn to name different types of local wild flowers and some trees. Finally we will grow and try our own herbs and vegetables.

We have to look after plants because they are alive – Theo

We have so far planted garlic, onions, shallots, mint, basil and parsley. We will also plant delicious peas in the spring. The flowers we have planted are primroses, hyacinths, primlets and narcissus. We are going to plant some sunflowers and hopefully make a blackberry crumble if we have any blackberries to harvest from our hanging baskets by then, though we suspect they may be at their best during the summer holidays!

We planted mint and garlic. They need sun and water and soil to grow – Merryn

The sun makes energy for the flowers though the leaves – Henry