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  • Contact Us

Chris Coyle-Chislett

Email the Office

Telephone Number
01736 753472

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Our Address
2 St George’s Road, Hayle,
Cornwall, TR27 4AH

“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Building Challenge on Pirate FM

James S, Ernie and Piran went up to the Pirate FM Studios this morning to speak to Neil and Saffy LIVE on air! They shared how excited they were about going to America and how it felt when they first learnt that they’d been invited to represent Great Britain. Not only that, but Saffy challenged them to a LEGO building challenge against Neil which proved to be a lot of fun!

Listen to our chat with Neil and Saffy:


And find out how we got on with the building challenge!

Rewind Radio: “Help get these amazing students to America!”

Mr Woolcock spoke to Jamie Reed during the breakfast show to share how proud he was of the students and everything they’ve achieved, which was quickly followed by a visit from Zara Shoesmith​ who interviewed the Pumpkins and set them a LEGO building challenge.  She nearly beat them too – although her sneaky cheating got her in a lot of trouble! 😂

Meeting Rowe IT and the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Careers Hub

It was lovely to meet Hannah Rowe from Rowe IT and Sarah Ableman from Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Careers Hub today and to thank them in person for all the support they’ve given to the Pumpkins. We shared both of our presentations with them and talked about how much it means to us to be representing Great Britain in this competition.

Hannah said “I spent the afternoon at Penpol School with an amazing, funny group of individuals who together make up the Penpol Pumpkins.  I cannot begin to tell you how brilliant they were!”

Visit to Langage Farm BioDigester

Today was very exciting – a trip to Langage Farm (just outside of Plymouth) to meet Ewen McClelland for a guided tour of their Food Waste Recycling facility.  We learnt where the food waste comes from and saw it’s journey from being unloaded from the back of a lorry (in the smelliest room in the world!) right through to becoming clean Methane Gas which is then used to power two generators to create electricity.

We got to explore the whole processing plant, including standing on top of a giant tank which contained many, many tonnes of biodegrading food waste!

BBC Spotlight: “Students Race Across the World with LEGO”

Today we were joined by BBC Spotlight, who came to visit us at Penpol to learn about our Food Waste project and how we’re fundraising to get to America.  They interviewed us and filmed lots of clips of our Robot in action.

The program aired on TV and we received lots and lots of donations from people in Cornwall though our GoFundMe page straight afterwards – thank you everyone!