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Chris Coyle-Chislett
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01736 753472
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2 St George’s Road, Hayle,
Cornwall, TR27 4AH
Chris Coyle-Chislett
Email the Office
Telephone Number
01736 753472
Follow us on Twitter
Our Address
2 St George’s Road, Hayle,
Cornwall, TR27 4AH
Year 4 rolled up their sleeves and got their hands dirty this week as they took part in Cormac’s Green Shoots community project at the Playing Fields! Both classes embraced the challenge, taking on everything from planning and digging to planting bulbs and native shrubs—and even a bit
At Penpol, we are all writers. During the Autumn Term, children from EYFS to Year 6 were invited to participate in our Penpol Writing Challenge, giving everyone the opportunity to let their creativity shine! The children could choose between the fiction challenge of writing a story or the
On Friday we were lucky enough to be the first school ever to receive a Be Internet Legends virtual assembly. This involved all of our pupils in Key Stage 2 taking part in an interactive assembly with the team from Google and ParentZone. In the exciting assembly children
Hello again everyone, I hope you are all well and still enjoying your home learning challenges. Since I last wrote to you, I have had a few days that were lovely and also a few days where I chose to be a bit naughty and I ended up
Each week whilst school is closed I’ll be bringing you a Friday afternoon assembly showcasing some of the diverse and exciting learning that’s being shared by Key Stage 2 on Showbie. As well as the assembly itself, this page also has a gallery where you can see the
Each week whilst school is closed I’ll be bringing you a Friday afternoon assembly showcasing some of the diverse and exciting learning that’s being shared by Key Stage 2 on Showbie. As well as the assembly itself, this page also has a gallery where you can see the
Here at Penpol, we have a rich community which stretches far and wide, beyond the school gates. For three years, we have been in contact with Madame Jourdain’s Year 5 classes, at Le Bourg primary school in SW France. We have been exchanging letters, information about our lovely
Each week whilst school is closed I’ll be bringing you a Friday afternoon assembly showcasing some of the diverse and exciting learning that’s being shared by Key Stage 2 on Showbie. As well as the assembly itself, this page also has a gallery where you can see the
The Book Fair arrived at Penpol School on Thursday 5th March (World Book Day) and will be here until Wednesday 12th March! You are able to use £1 World Book Day vouchers on books that are over £2.99 at the Book Fair. There are hundreds of books from
This term, Year Four have been learning to combine sounds and rhythms in our music lessons. After composing a range of different rhythms, we used GarageBand to record the rhythms which were played using a variety of everyday objects around the classroom. Using some studio effects and post
In a very dramatic turn of events, Year 4 pupils arrived into the Mac Suite this morning to discover that a situation had arisen overnight. An intrepid LEGO astronaut had got himself into a spot of bother on the surface of the moon. He’d unpacked his suitcase and
Raucous Romans Year Four Enjoy Romans During December, year four children at Penpol school had a Roman Themed week. They did lots of activies like making and designing a Roman shield and film making. On Monday The children made and designed a Romanshield out of cardboard Lula age8 said
This week we’ve been having some Festive Fun with the iPads and our Computing lessons by spending time learning how to use the Green Screen tool in iMovie. The children have learnt how to use this great effect to create their own Snowglobe videos using this technique.
On Wednesday the 6th of November, Penpol held our first ever Careers event. 30 different businesses and employees gave up their time to explain just what makes their job sector special, with hands-on demonstrations, interactive activities and a stream of answers ready for the children’s questions. The event