On Thursday 2oth April, the Penpol School community came together for an afternoon of dancing to raise funds for Shelterbox. This all began following the devastating earthquakes in Southern Turkey and Northern Syria in February this year. Our Year 6, as well as many of us, were upset by the event and wondered what we could to to help those families in need. We knew that Shelterbox, a Cornish based charity, was directly helping those families in these areas by providing emergency shelter and so decided that this was the perfect charity in which to raise funds for – https://shelterbox.org/turkey-earthquake/
Led by Y6, on a perfect sunny afternoon, all pupils across school danced in the style of Wake and Shake for 30 minutes non-stop on the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds. Parents, Guardians, family members and friends, as well as Penpol Staff, also joined in to make it a real community event. It was fantastic to see everybody smiling, dancing and fully embracing the Danceathon. To date, the school community has raised over £1200 for Shelterbox – an outstanding effort! So many of you donated towards this total but a special shout out must go to: Billy (£34); Zach (£40); Ivy (£30); Bobby (£55); Betty (£100); Sully (£31); Sabina (£40); Myla (£90) and Evie (£40) who raised great amounts! Many thanks also goes to Mrs Turner and Mrs Loughlin who led the dances all afternoon!
Kate from Shelterbox then attended Penpol on Friday 21st April and hosted assemblies for the children to learn about the work they do and where the money will go. They were extremely grateful for the hard work and effort from us all and the money raised (£600 at that point). Kate showed us a message from Dave from Shelterbox who had been in Turkey during the crisis thanking Penpol for our efforts. The money we have raised will support families by helping them with shelter and an opportunity to rebuild their lives. Well done Penpol! Keep dancing!