This half term our Year 4’s have been studying ‘Which Way to Africa?’ as their topic. Part of this exciting learning has involved creating Digital Art on the iPads.
The children started learning all about the the tools available in our chosen drawing app (Sketches School) and then began to research an individual country in Africa. We learnt about each country including landmarks, food, art, culture and geographic features. The children then used this information to inspire them in their digital artwork.
To aide their artwork, each child created a ‘mood board’ of imagery from their chosen country. We then used Adobe Colour on the iPads to extract the key colours from the images. This meant each child had a custom palette of colours for their country – helping them all stand out and look unique.
Finally the children bought everything together to fill in the outline of their country with themed text, imagery, the countries flag and other graphical elements which they felt best represented their chosen country.
As well as combining these into the map above, you can also explore each individual country below.