
Remote Learning at Penpol School

Wednesday 9th September 2020

Welcome to our new-look Remote Learning page for the new term.  This year things will be slightly different in that we will be offering Remote Learning every Wednesday afternoon whilst the school is closed for cleaning.

Each week Mr Woolcock will do a short assembly and set a task for you to complete that afternoon.  He’ll be sharing lots of the learning in his assembly the following week (as well as setting the next challenge!).  Hopefully we’ll be able to use this time each week to work on some really exciting projects which involve everyone in the school – from the youngest pupils right up to our oldest Year 6s.

Please make sure you complete the activity before the following Monday in order to have a chance at getting your learning featured in the next assembly.

Weekly Challenge with Mr Woolcock

How to upload to Padlet

Technical Support

If you need any support or help, please do reach out using the techsupport@penpolschool.co.uk email address.

You can add your learning to our Padlet board by scrolling down,
or if you’d rather you can use the pink button to open Padlet full-screen in a new window.