Posted 11 months ago by the Penpol Pumpkins

I am thrilled to say that the Penpol Pumpkins have won an award for the Core Values at the international final of the FIRST LEGO League!!

We came fourth overall, with the team being recognised for their Inclusivity, Fun, Teamwork, Discovery, Impact and Innovation.

This isn’t just an award for their robot, or their food waste project or even their presentations. This is an award for THEM. These children who have put in so many months of hard work, who have faced and overcome huge challenges, who have bonded through shared laughter and friendship and who have represented Great Britain at the highest level these last few days.

This is an award for the Penpol Pumpkins 🎃

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Goodbye Boston!

Well, after a fun but busy week it’s time to get these Pumpkins back home. It’s an overnight flight (hopefully a chance for a nap!) and when we wake up we’ll be back in England. See you all soon!

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